(Updated December 9, 2020)

Nelson Forensics is complying with governmental regulations pertaining to COVID-19.  Our company remains fully operational and ready to assist our valued clients.

In response to the COVID-19 situation, Nelson Forensics has modified its operational procedures to protect the safety and well-being of our employees, clients, and other business partners.  In compliance with applicable governmental advisories and mandates, most Nelson personnel continue to work remotely.  Our field staff remains prepared to respond to requests for essential services, and to provide continuity of associated services.  All remote work is performed in a technologically secure, encrypted environment; and our team is as healthy, poised, and focused as ever.

We have immediate capacity to assist with the forensic evaluation of buildings, equipment, and other types of property.  We are taking proper measures to protect one another and our community, and we continue to monitor governmental advisories and mandates. At the same time, we assure you, our clients, that you can expect the same quality level of service from Nelson’s team to which you are accustomed.

To request our services or contact our team, please call 877-850-8765, e-mail expert@nelsonforensics.com, or visit our online assignment submission form at https://www.nelsonforensics.com/request-forensic-services/.

We appreciate your continued loyalty and faith in our team, and we remain committed to excellence during this dynamic and uncertain time.


Ryan Chancey, Ph.D., P.E.
President | Nelson Forensics, LLC