The Spread of the Novel Coronavirus and Its Potential Effect on Property
Free CE Webinar: Wednesday April 22, 2020 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm CT
Join Dr. Michael Nelson, an expert microbiologist with Nelson Forensics, to explore the novel coronavirus and its potential effect on property.
LEARN about the novel coronavirus: what it is, its biological origins, how it functions, and how it reproduces.
GAIN AN UNDERSTANDING of the magnitude of its impact and rapid spread, along with potential treatments and prevention.
DISCOVER how long the virus can survive on various surfaces.
SEE how the effects of a virus differs from those of mold.
EXPLORE if there can be physical effects to property and the mechanisms by which those could occur. Is remediation necessary? Learn about methods of decontamination.
BECOME FAMILIAR with methods to investigate physical effects on property.
Information and knowledge gained from this webinar can assist in the overall handling of property claims involving exposure to, and contamination resulting from, the novel coronavirus. Approved for one hour of CE credit for Texas, Florida, and Wyoming adjusters.