Paige Herbert, E.I.T.
Ms. Herbert has assisted in the evaluation of residential and commercial structures for damages resulting from a variety of perils, including but not limited to hail, wind, and construction defects.
Prior to joining the Nelson team, Ms. Herbert gained experience providing structural engineering services for residential and commercial structures including assisting in the design of steel connections and support for mechanical units, construction inspections, computer modeling of structures, preparing construction documents, and more.
During her time at Pennsylvania State University Ms. Herbert became familiarized with construction sites and practices through her role as an officer of her school’s student branch of Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence (PACE). She also received a Certificate of Merit award from her school’s Architectural Engineering Department for her work done on her senior thesis. Her thesis encompassed analyzing the structural steel and cold-formed stud framing of a hotel structure then redesigning the hotel structure to be structural steel and cross-laminated timber. Her thesis also analyzed the structural system’s impact on sustainability, cost, constructability, architectural design, and acoustics.